‘EU refugee crisis isn’t a crisis it’s the new REALITY’ says French MP

FORMER French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira said on Thursday that the global refugee crisis was here to stay, and that “cruel” immigration policies like the ones advocated by Washington would not deter migrants and refugees.
Christiane Taubira
Christiane Taubira, former French Justice Minister

“The [refugee] crisis is a climactic moment because a crisis that doesn’t end isn’t a crisis, it’s a new state of play,” Mrs Taubira told France’s Europe 1 radio.

“The new state of play is the new reality: international migration flows will continue because of war, poverty, famine, rising water levels, the submergence of island territories, climate change, but also because of the desire to start a new life elsewhere,” she said.

“It is inconceivable to imagine that all we need to do [to solve the migrant crisis] is barricade ourselves – that’s the kind of thing Trump would do!”

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday backed down and abandoned his controversial policy of separating immigrant children from their families on the US-Mexico border after shocking reports that some 1,995 children had been taken from their parents between April 19 and May 31 sparked international outcry.