Hersheys Sued for Millions Over Dark Chocolate Allegedly Containing Excessive Levels of Lead and Cadmium

A Long Island man filed a $5 million federal lawsuit against The Hershey Company Wednesday alleging that the company’s dark chocolate contains dangerous levels of heavy metals.

In a 24-page class action complaint in a federal court in New York,Christopher Lazazzaro claimed that Hershey’s Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate, Lily’s Extra Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa, and Lily’s Extreme Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa all contain harmful levels of lead and cadmium that are not disclosed on the products’ packaging. Hershey purchased Lily in 2021 for $425 million.

Lazazzaro’s allegations stem from a December 2022 Consumer Reports article titled, “Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate.”

The article warns, “there’s a dark side to this ‘healthier’ chocolate,” and says, “Research has found that some dark chocolate bars contain cadmium and lead—two heavy metals linked to a host of health problems in children and adults.” The article also explains that these naturally-occurring substances find their way into chocolate in a variety of ways, including accumulating in cacao beans as they grow and collecting in dust particles that settle on the beans. Accordingly, Hershey’s and Lily’s chocolate were just two of over two dozen chocolates found to contain metal.

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Source: https://lawandcrime.com/federal-court/hersheys-sued-for-millions-over-dark-chocolate-allegedly-containing-excessive-levels-of-lead-and-cadmium/

