Iran Boasts That It Tricked the World, Can Now Start Making Nukes

Israel warned former US President Barack Obama that Iran wouldn’t honor the nuclear arms deal he brokered with the Islamic Republic.

The ayatollahs and their elected puppets went through the motions, but never truly fulfilled the stipulations of the agreement.

The West, fearful of escalating tensions, turned a blind eye to numerous violations. But that only kicked the can down the road, as the Americans say.

Now, top Iranian officials are openly boasting of successfully playing the West, while retaining the ability to restart their nuclear arms program at a moment’s notice.

In an August 22 interview on Iran’s IRINN TV, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, revealed that his people had poured cement into a few external pipes at the Arak nuclear reactor in order to fool international inspectors, but had not disabled its core.

“If we want to, we can start enriching uranium to 20% within five days, and that is very significant,” said Salehi.

Indeed, this is very significant. The question is whether or not Western powers see it as such.

