Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 10 December 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

Great news everybody!  It turns out the third booster shot is the ticket for immunity from the Omicron variant.  But that supposes… New York Mayor De Blasio issued an executive order on his way out the door.  For the first time in American history a Mayor has ordered everyone under his power to get inoculated, even five to eleven year old children, that is, if they want to go out to eat or to a theater.  But it turns out the “fully vaccinated” no longer are fully vaccinated, and the way things are going, never will be for more than several weeks at a time.  It looks like you’re going to need a fourth booster shot.  After that, we’ll see what the famous doctor says.

Do you think for one minute the drug companies are ever going to declare the “pandemic” over?  Is there some possibility that they’ll ever stop banging on about the great benefits of the substances they produce?  Have you seen how much money they’re making?  Maybe they claim it’s free, and maybe it is, besides giving up freedom itself.  How free is that?  But somebody’s footing the bill, and chances are good that it’s us.

They’re virtually impossible to tolerate, but have you ever noticed who the sponsors of the mainstream media are?  How many times a day are you told to, “Call your doctor,”  Ask you’re doctor if such and such is right for you.  Mind you, half the promotions tell you all the ways you might die if fate has your number, but other than that.  Maybe something is doing some good, but one thing is for sure.  If they can afford to be in your face all over the internet, TV and print, they’re making bank.

The so-called news reporters have been leading their readers and viewers down one dead end after another for longer than we care to remember.  They’re never wrong.  At least they never admit to having been wrong, even when they’ve failed to produce any sound logic for their continued dissembling.  It’s become clear that they are advocates, not reporters, determined that the American people see things their way regardless.  You people that love your country have yet to become as smart as they are, even when they’re dead wrong.  They were right all along, and the cases just weren’t ever proven, but they weren’t wrong!  It’s a lot like the Jessie Smollett situation.  If you think he’s not telling the truth

The pursuit of President Trump and his supporters is on-going.  Nobody in media has admitted that they wasted at least four years of everybody’s lives accusing the former President, and by extension all who favored him. of bizarre, unbelievable crimes.  Meanwhile, they secretly stacked the deck behind the scenes.  They trotted out accusers like, well, why say their names?  No one has forgotten the outlandish claims, or those who made them all over national media, engendering unending coverage of the coverage of a story cut from whole cloth.

Now, however, we’re expected to hang on every word of people who’ve been trying to deceive their audiences for a living. Their good buddy, the former actor, is UNDER OATH making the most unbelievable claims that he didn’t do what he’s proven to have done.  His friends have told what happened.  They didn’t want to risk whatever trouble would have ensued had they continued to lie for the little self-righteous schemer.  But he defiantly acted his way through testimony, smug in his feigned innocence.  Legal expert Jonathan Turley says he wasn’t trying to convince anyone, he was hoping to provide an excuse for even just one juror to “hang” the jury.  But that didn’t happen.  They say they’ll appeal.  The ridicule will be hilarious.  It already is.

How many household names went on record to say, “See there?” as if it were proof of the false narrative they’ve been promoting for years.  What a coincidence that he’s “close friends” with Don Lemon, Cory Booker and the troubled vice president. It’s also convenient that hate-crime legislation was under consideration which included something about “lynching.”  Then the little twerp turns up with a phony noose around his neck.  Pathetic.

The media beat Jan. 6 to death ages ago, and they’re still at it.  In fact they’ve been obsessing over the “investigation” as a diversion from the embarrassing reality of the “hate-crime” trial.  January 6 was a DEADLY insurrection after all.  Some real police-state activity is underway as a result of these claims.  People are still rotting in jail because of this bogus perception that is sold unquestioningly by the mainstream.  Their time is short, and they seem to know it.

Everything is going just great for the pretend administration.  The Big Guy scared Putin half to death, threatening to revoke approval of the Nordstream oil pipeline to Germany if anything goes wrong in Ukraine.  Huh?

Maybe we were dreaming, but wasn’t it Putin’s threat, to cut off Europe’s oil supply?  Turns out that it’s Biden’s threat against Putin!  Aside from having their threat stolen, they’re worrying that a strongly worded letter may be in the offing.  By now everybody knows that Russia has one hundred thousand troops on the border with Ukraine.  But the media says the Pretender in Chief was adamant during a “tense” zoom call.  No doubt the Russian was rattled to his core.  Surely he’ll think twice before doing anything.

Inflation is already in Jimmy Carter territory.  The supply chain is backed upWe’re being informed of the many booster shots we’ll be needing, until we need another oneThe airlines have never seen less friendly skies, especially now that stewardie are in charge of enforcing the mask mandate, just extended.  Those poor federal workers are just doing their jobs after all.  There have been more incidents of “unruly passengers” than in all of airline history, combined.  Losing freedom tends to make people a little testy.  Autocratic regimes from Russia to China to North Korea are poised to take advantage.  Our military is being schooled in the finer points of transvestite feelings.  Can you remember any military conflict resolved on the basis of whose feelings got hurt?

We hope your sense of humor is intact.  If we can’t laugh at those promoting fear and threatening people who aren’t frightened; if we can’t laugh at what fools the media has made of themselves; if we take any of their nonsense seriously it’s going to be goodbye to freedom.  So long, Western nations and all your dignity to boot.  They’re trying to get Boris Johnson to resign as Prime Minister because he broke COVID rules.  Really?  The world has gone mad.  We intend to retain whatever sanity we can.  Bringing God into the equation might be a good start.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
