Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 10 June 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

We didn’t know how the world could be so upside down.  Prosecutors seem to be on the side of criminals.  How is it that violent felons get off with a slap on the wrist, to go out and wreak mayhem?  We have the unbelievable situation where Supreme Court justices are being heckled at their homes with people in the streets banging drums and shouting chants.  Not that that’s not a crime, and a serious one.  But it seems they’re doing the bidding of those that loved the sacred “right” the Supreme Court gave them back in the Seventies.  Somebody with a gun apparently told Police he was there to “kill Kavanaugh.”  These political criminals aren’t the smartest in the world.  But they do have a support group that shrugs and says, “I told you we were going to have problems.”

“He will pay the price!”  That’s what an angry politician said about Brett Kavanaugh, suspecting that he’s swayed the court against Roe vs. Wade.  Is this the price?  “You won’t know what hit you!”  Those sound like intemperate remarks.  But what do you know?  He was right.  Must be a touch clairvoyant.

We’re not about to recount all the problems that have been caused since the suspicious election.  What we know for sure is that we’re deep into Jimmy Carter territory.  If you were up and running, you’ll remember that as the most humiliating and depressing experience ever.  Until now.

Interest rates haven’t yet reached the heights of the early Eighties, but everything else is not good.  We see examples of criminals visiting violence on unsuspecting citizens, and they’re right back out committing additional crimes.  It’s a trend.  We just can’t watch all the idiotic decisions being made, or the excuses made for everything going wrong.  Nothing makes sense anymore, and we get hammered about discrimination or bigotry for refusing to celebrate, or “honor” ridiculous movements determined to rope everybody in.  If you don’t celebrate “pride month,” you must be a bigoted discriminator.  Just one question.  What are they so proud about?  I don’t think that has ever been answered.  But if you don’t celebrate pride month, you might be a bigot.  Nobody will tell these goofballs how stupid this all is.  Who would dare!

We’re expected to believe, or if not, at least pretend to believe all the nonsense that spews from the mainstream.  Last night they treated us to some slickly produced propaganda.  It was on at least eight channels LIVE.  I heard some of the opening statements, despite not watching the charade in its entirety.  The upshot is that President Trump had a plan to overthrow the government, and the “insurrection” was the result.  Don’t say it wasn’t an insurrection, or some heads might explode.  So, it was an insurrection that Donald Trump devised, and you must repeat that and at least pretend to believe it, or you might be an accomplice.

There’s never been anything as bad as Trump, or any supporters that haven’t denounced him.   The committee chairman on the podium on TV news and on the radio said that attempts to justify what actually happened on Jan. 6 reminds him of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and I don’t know what all.  Let’s all line up and feel for the poor guy.  Of all the things that were going to turn the public against Donald Trump or make you afraid to stand for any of the values of the United States, this may have been the weakest.  You haven’t forgotten COLLUSION with Russia, the lead story for two years.  Nor the impeachment over a phone call.  This was hopefully the last attempt to falsify the record and present something of substance.  It failed to live up to the hype, despite all the grim faces.  They edited statements and audio clips as if we didn’t know that the full statements blew their whole theory.  They’ve done it before.  We’re wise to it.

If against all odds there should be a resurgence of Trump support or the man should have any further success in politics, you can expect more.  Not only that, we all better get used to being targeted.  Nothing we believe lines up with these new “values” that are all over television or the internet.  Nobody will say the obvious.  Pride month can’t be over soon enough.  It’s just designed to make us go along, or get used to wearing some stupid labels.  I’ll take the labels any day.  There comes a time when you just have to say, “NO!”


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
