Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 12 November 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

Turns out Vermont is one of those states where people have rushed to be vaccinated.  It is also a state that is one of the “hot spots” for infection.  They’re a “victim of their own success,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.  Oh wait.  It means that the state let down it’s guard, and people went about catching up on mundane activities, like getting together with family and friends.  The inference is that the population should have been kept in lock down.

It reminds me of what Victor Davis Hansen said sometime ago.  “The authorities are trying to save our lives by stopping us from living.”  Wouldn’t you know it, now they’ve got a full blown medical emergency on their hands.  Maybe the vaccine isn’t such a medical miracle after all?  Not that social media wouldn’t ban such a statement.  People can’t even relay the most minor side effects without adjudication from the censors, always on the prowl for “dis-information.”

This embarrassment of an administration, in league with those who pull all the levers of power media-wise, is in the process of beating January 6 to death at the same time they bludgeon the public COVID-19. The media keeps telling us it was a deadly insurrection.  But the pictures and the video tell a different story.  One question that seems pertinent, since when does a “deadly insurrection” require that people stroll politely between the velvet ropes?  No doubt there were some violent incidents that people will be arguing about until the end of time.  But who was responsible?  The pullers of levers are going to make sure everybody gets their face rubbed in the official version of events, even though antifa leaders were in the mix, maybe even some undercover operatives.

You’ve probably heard, the head of the New York chapter of BLM (used to stand for the Bureau of Land Management) has threatened riots, fires and all the scenes emblazoned on our memories if the mayor should carry out plans to reduce the explosion of crime in that city.  Black Lives Matter won’t stand for it, and they’re making promises they can keep.  Whatever you do, don’t look at the crime statistics, the rate of inflation, or America’s tattered reputation  in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, these things couldn’t have been helped.  It’s all the fault of the last administration, we’re told, and things will return to the official narrative at last.

We’re casualties of that great success, but too dim to understand. The supply chain is so complicated, we couldn’t begin to comprehend the complexities.  Inflation is a result of the wealth of the average Joe.  People are spending and buying so much that goods can’t be kept on the shelves.  All those container ships anchored off-shore Los Angeles?  That’s way over your head.  Besides, there are higher priorities.

Global warming, for instance.  Between the media, the corporations and official mandates, we’ll be forced into “saving the planet.”  It’s really entertaining, watching a conga line of buffoons claim they will save the planet by forcing us to live in a world we want nothing to do with.  But they’ve got higher priorities than what we think.  They’ve got a “planet” to save.

If there’s a bright side to all this deceptive bravado, it is that pride comes before a fall, and I don’t mean Autumn.  How nice that it’s a law of nature, and it works like a charm.  There are several recent examples, but we’re looking to the future.  All the pompous blowhards who want credit for “saving the planet” at the expense of the civilized world will get what’s coming to them.  Maybe not on our timeline. But soon enough.  Dr. Fauci may strut around like he’s ten feet tall, but his day is coming just like others who’ve shot off their mouths deceitfully.

But maybe we should look inward to see the cause of so much bad news.  Maybe you turn away when some demonic images appear amid a perfectly innocent program.  They’re trying to sell some movie or video game for the holiday season.  A trip to the gaming section of an electronic store is startling.  Somebody’s buying this stuff.  Maybe we’re not just victims of circumstance.  The stench of mainstream acceptability of heinous activities just might fall into the category of what God can’t stand.

The themes portrayed throughout the Bible is that mankind has choices.  Some lead to peace and prosperity, others to ruinationIt looks like we’re on the road to the latter.  It seems we cannot hold attitudes or beliefs sanctioned by the mainstream without reaping the whirlwind.  Stand by.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
