Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 18 June 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

The main news this week was what a great job “the big guy” did at the G-7 conference in Europe.  We could barely stand to watch as the embarrassment played out.  Maybe too much is being made of the “lost in space” aspect, and the visceral reaction to being questioned even by chosen press representatives.  We can only hope.

European leaders are walking on air.  They’re so proud to welcome the United States back into “the club,” where the Europeans call all the shots whether or not their proposals are detrimental to American interests.  They’re free to carry on about global warming and place deadlines for mandates that are in no one’s interest, save those who preen about “saving the planet.”  We hesitate to be too cruel regarding the shortcomings of the poor old man who purports to represent America.  It’s probably not ALL his fault after all.  But we can’t help suffering some embarrassment as we see him shuffling at the back of the pack of newly energized European leaders.  No longer do they worry about such mundane trivialities, like paying for their own defense, or anyone telling them “no” about anything.

Here at home, we’re watching prices of everything ratchet out of sight.  (We just got a notice from our printer saying that paper, transportation and several other necessary aspects of the work they do on our magazine have become wildly more expensive.)

The border is out of control Police just apprehended a U-Haul truck with illegals stacked like cordwood with no ventilation and temperatures that were near lethal.  Seems like those demanding empathy from us have little of their own.

It’s almost like the worst enemies citizens of the U. S. have, are the ones making all the rules.  Let’s hope the situation is temporary, and the job started by the community organizer never gets finished.

Don’t Tell Us

Tyler saw its first gay-pride event in the downtown square this week.  The local paper did everything but bounce on its toes and steeple clapThey also included two new letters in their headline.  The letters I and A were included at the end of the other letters of the alphabet they’ve taken to mean something or other.  They’ve appropriated numerous perfectly wonderful and clean words in the English vocabulary, attaching meanings that were never intended.  At this rate we’ll not be able to say anything that doesn’t implicate some sacred cow.

It was all about hugs!  Turns out that hugging another weirdo is the perfect solution for someone who’s been ostracized by family and friends.  They feel so much better after a complete stranger, probably also outcast, gives them a familial hug; the kind they don’t get from mom or dad anymore.  They used words like “pure” and “loving.”  Hopefully they won’t get away with monopolizing those words too.

The whole thing was about acceptance, love and an atmosphere of belonging.  They are so warm and loving, unless of course you don’t approve of their “drag walk.”  If that’s the case, then you’re obviously drunk on “hate.”  Support their cause or be branded a hater.  How “pure” and “loving” does it get?

Reports said that some one thousand people were in attendanceThey hardly noticed that several were holding signs that ridiculed the display of ascendant misfits.  Most of us had no idea it was even taking place, or we might have sent a photographer.  Who wants to bet that those who were there to pollute the punchbowl weren’t counted as “in attendance?”

We get daily reminders that it’s gay-pride month!  NBC has three different fonts, one atop another, that gives you the sensation of having blurred vision.  Its anchors take turns reading from something somebody wrote in the New York Times about how wonderful it is to be mentally ill, and how all of society must applaud.  It ends with the reminder that it’s UNIVERSAL.  That’s right, if you don’t sign on you must not exist.

The particular spot in question ends with a page of logos that last for no more than a couple of frames.  It wasn’t easy to catch with a freeze-frame, almost like they wanted to give viewers the impression that all brand-name businesses were supporting the nonsense, but would just as soon not be identified.  But there they were in all their UNIVERSAL glory.  At least five, maybe six NBC logos, including the Golf Channel (much to my chagrin).  Disney, Amazon, and several other household names.

The homosexual faction has appropriated the rainbow, a sign from God with divine significance.  They’ve also taken some perfectly innocent words and insisted they connote hideous behavior.  Now they’re working on the alphabet, and adding letters every year or two.   Don’t even tell us what the I and A at the end of their LBGTQ appropriation stand for.  We don’t want to know!  As for universality, the local paper seemed to be on board.  Here’s betting its readership is not.  One other thing.  No surgically altered golfer has ever won anything.  Not even on the ladies’ tour.  There’s that.


Source:  http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
