Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 19 March 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

Once upon a time there was a hunger and thirst to know every detail and to understand every nuance on numerous fronts.  Not anymore.  Now it’s a matter of protecting one’s emotions and sensibilities from the mindlessness that’s consuming everything.

It’s not enough that America is being destroyed on the southern border.  Mind you, Canadians are not welcome across our border.  COVID, you know.  Besides, they’re civilized, cleanly people.  This is clearly no place for people of that caliber.  They can’t even come across the border to shop!  The COVID danger is just too high for such risks.  But the uneducated?  Get them in here by the uncountable thousands, probably hundreds of thousands or millions before it’s over, if it’s ever over.  If you don’t think it’s the best idea, you’re a white supremacist whether you’re white or not.

States have nothing to say about anything, particularly Texas.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the thousands of “unaccompanied minors” that are being bussed to the Kay Baily Hutchinson convention center in Dallas for “decompression.”  The State of Texas has nothing to say about it, nor does the city of Dallas.  No, this arrangement was made between the Federal government and the convention center, which will be handsomely rewarded.

But could we just talk to some of these immigrants and get some information about the cartels and human trafficking?  The answer to that would be a resounding NO!  It’s none of Texas’ business.  The _____ administration (it has five letters either way) has resolved that no one can see what transpires inside the facility or talk to its decompressing residents, fresh from the mud streets and decomposing unburied.

Do you think the COVID panic is legitimate?   Not when it comes to those who rushed the border.   For the most part, they’re not even subjected to the indignity of testing.  When they are, it’s found that some 20% are infected (if you believe the test results).  American citizens, racists deserving of punishment, can’t go anywhere (or Canadians, Australians, Brits…) without proving they’re healthy, and of course wearing masks regardless.  On the other hand, compassion demands that every border facility be overrun with these “unaccompanied minors” who will soon be joined by their extended families.  That’s how compassion works, in case you didn’t know.  It’s the American dream of the left.  A permanent underclass to be coddled by the politicians who despise patriotic citizens and make them pay for the destruction of their own way of life.  If you want America to survive, you must be a hater.  That’s what the news is telling us all day every day.

The pope finally peeved a substantial support group.  It seems that he’s against the “church” blessing same-sex marriages.  What an outrage to the gayest of prime time blocks on cable TV!  They just couldn’t let that stand, so the homosexual anchor appeared on a national morning show to tell us that, “God is not about hindering people,” and God is “not about judgment.”  What?!?  You’ve got this smarmy know-it-all fruitcake telling us what God thinks?  He obviously never subjected himself to any of God’s Word.  If he did, he’d know he’s already in a heap of trouble, never mind being ignorant to a mind-boggling degree.

He’s one of the mantra of voices in media insisting that America’s greatest threat comes from its own citizens who are racist by natureThe public school unions have determined that little children must be taught “critical race theory,” and their parents have nothing to say about it.  Never mind “common core,” they’ve blown by that.  It’s not enough that children are being taken from their parents over mask refusal, they’ll be brainwashed into believing that their parents and society as a whole is built on a foundation of racism, and nobody better get in the way of their juggernaut, or else.

Teachers unions have declared war on parents opposed to critical race theory brainwashing of their children.  Seems like we were warned some years ago that America would have to change its traditions, change its HISTORY as part of the transitions.  Bet you haven’t forgotten.

It’s all over the news we no longer watch.  In Virginia a “hit list” is being kept of parents who say they don’t want their kids taught this stuff.  Why?  They’ll find out soon enough.  According to the reports, parents’ information is being turned over to cyber-criminals for identity theft and whatever other thievery inflicted on unsuspecting people who’ve given personal information to questionable outfits.  In Virginia, it’s not safe to give your information to the schools!

The international enemies of everything America stands for are emboldened once again.  Kim Jong-un’s sister has issued a warning, and Iran thinks it’s calling all the shotsIf not for Israel and its Prime Minister, they might be right.  Apparently it is the fervent goal of the “current administration” to make sure that neither America nor the Western world at large survives total transformation.  May God intervene, despite the fact that sin has seemingly overtaken every public institution.  What are the chances?


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
