Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 20 May 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

Amid the scare that the pretend administration is trying to turn American sovereignty over to a faceless UN body known as the WHO, is the reality of “emergency powers.”  Isn’t that convenient?  Congress doesn’t have to pass laws.  A pint-sized twerp in a lab coat can be trotted out to make a declaration, and that authorizes all manner of stupidity.

Businesses were closed in New York, California and a host of states where the governors acted on behalf of the “public.”  Surely the “public” would be better off if they weren’t running around spreading coronavirus all over the place.  Businesses of all kinds closed, often permanently.  You probably miss some of them.  There was nothing gyms could do except lock the doors.  Some who bucked the lock-down were raided and forcibly closed by police.  What Constitution?

It appears that ways to exert authority have been discovered, and the protections that we thought were inherent in our citizenship are no protections at all when it comes to “emergency declarations.”  Governors retained the right to FORCE people to stay home, not work and hunker down.  At first, Joe Q. Public probably didn’t mind, thinking it would be a week off, maybe two.  But that was two years ago, and still we’re getting bossed around about coronavirus.  They’re trying to resurrect it in New York, where the mayor has declared that masks must be worn outdoors in public.  What!?!  These so-called emergency powers have been egregiously abused, and there are other emergencies around the corner.  We only have to wait for them to be manufactured.

The naysayers said Trump was dangerous.  They said he would bungle us into nuclear war.  They said the same thing about Ronald Reagan.  Not even close.  We were worried about North Korea.  Remember the panic in Hawaii?  People lowering their children down manhole covers, making one last call to loved ones?  They haven’t forgotten, and probably never will.  Now we’re worried about Russia.  Threats have been issued.  The last time we were this close to war with Russia was the Cuban missile crisis.  If you listen to some of the advisors you’d think it was the U. S. at war in Ukraine!  Talk about stumbling into big trouble.  At least Trump has all his marbles, and loved the country enough to sacrifice his billionaire lifestyle to make it thrive.

The election appears to have been stolen.  Saying so would get you thrown off social media platforms, not that I care.  Differing with the approved narrative was not allowed.  What are you, a source of “disinformation”?  The pretend regime thought they’d appoint someone to stamp out “dis-information” and set everybody straight.  Unfortunately they picked some hair-brain gal that’s been busy spreading nonsense, between singing to her computer and making creepy faces.  It was so ludicrous they’ve shut down, or more accurately “paused” the new department under the department of Homeland Security. Now Homeland Security has appointed Michael Chertoff to figure everything out.  Another creep.

Nobody can figure out what to do about China.  Tons of plastic junk fill the shelves of nearly every store.  But businesses can make tremendous profits if they manufacture in China.  The NBA has staked its future on the huge audience that has no chance of actually competing in the sport.  They must thrill to the athleticism on display.  Not only that, it’s the biggest imaginable market for their swag.  What do those profiting from China care?  They’ve got the money to live anywhere on Earth.  And no.  We’re not jealous.  Taiwan?  Apparently that’s a sacrifice worth making for the profits involved.  People making money off ignoring the abuses in China ought to have to live there.  Just saying.

The baby formula crisis is so bad that all the wire services have propelled it into everybody’s domain.  The first thought was that mothers would be going to the internet to find out how to make it at home.  But the news is warning that you better not.  Now there’s a news story about a mother who’s been “caught” hoarding formula to feed her babies.  What mother wouldn’t try to acquire a supply amid a crisis?  How many crises have arisen?  We’ve got more  crises than we can keep up with, and the pretend administration is only a year and a half old.

It’s as if turning back all of those evil Trump policies means that the American people have become the enemy.  Now it’s all about “social justice,” diversity, inclusion and saving the planet.  All the big corporate names are popping up to let us know they’re on board.  After all, they don’t want to be attacked by the three letter agencies that are tasked with making sure we all think the same thoughts.  It’s a joke, and a bad one at that.  But we seem to be on some kind of ride that we can’t get off.  Not to wreck your weekend by spelling out all the manufactured crises, you already know.  This can’t end well, and it won’t.  Hopefully there will be something left to save when the “adults” are no longer in charge.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
