Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 21 April 2022

Greeting from Tyler,

You know by now of the controversy surrounding the perverted school curricula at Florida schools.  They called it the “don’t say gay” law.  I guess that was supposed to make us recoil in outrage, and it wasn’t even true.  I have great respect for what Glenn Beck is doing and the way he’s doing it, but had to turn him off this morning.  He was trying, in the most delicate way possible, to explain what is in the textbooks.  Nobody should be subjected to this crap, let alone kids.

Apparently these weirdos are all over the internet, talking hi-speed and punctuating nearly every sentence with “right?”  They cannot talk fast enough, or say “right?” often enough to obscure the rotten intent.  The idea that children should be subjected to such nonsense at school is absolutely abhorrent.  The redhead can cry a bucket, but there’s no way any loving parent would subject their own flesh and blood to this clap-trap.

I turned off the radio again when they decided to play the pretender’s teleprompter statement about doubling the money and armaments for Ukraine.  It’s been one of the most corrupt nations on the map, and one where our own politicians sent money for things we knew nothing about.  Maybe some of the research was legitimate, but that’s open to question too.  What we know for a fact is that wholesale money-laundering was taking place, it may still be.  But it’s starting to look like there may be nothing left but bombed out buildings.

It’s no wonder all the politicians are so concerned.  If Ukraine falls, they’ll have to find some other remote backwater to loot.  Mind you, it was American taxpayer money.  Apparently there’s no end to it.  They can always print more.

Today news broke about Germany’s rate of inflation.  We hate to think of what transpired the last time Germany’s money became worthless.  It looks as though our money is on a similar trajectory and that our leaders intend to make us poor, lecturing us about inclusion and diversity every step of the way.


PS: Tomorrow, beginning at sundown tonight, is the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. We had a great weekend last week, with the biggest bouncy house you ever saw, maybe it was the ninja warrior model, badminton, horseshoes, other games and of course golf practice.  They’ve always been good, but this may have been the best yet.  We met for dinner at a Mexican restaurant for the night to be much observed, and without going into every detail, we considered the whole thing a great success.  Our thanks go out to all who attended, some of whom drove considerable distances.   Mr. Nunnery has arranged a get-together for members able to attend the Last Day and Sabbath in Dalton, Ga.  They’ve got a great line-up of speakers, and group meals have been planned.  No doubt everyone who attends will enjoy it very much.

Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
