Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 25 March 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

Analysts are starting to wonder aloud whether Putin is winning the war in Ukraine.  We see that some territory has been reclaimed, and a Russian ship blown up near Odessa.  But the refugees are streaming out, and the radio tells us we’ll get 100,000 of them here in the U. S.  It’s hard to know what or who to believe with the news coming constantly.  It’s hard to see Vladimir calling the whole thing off and declaring victory.  But everybody is nervous.  By everybody, we’re talking about all the current and former politicians who were using the country as a corrupt piggy bank.

Justin Trudeau got told off to his face in the Canadian parliament.  It looked like he might have been crying.  Hard to tell with his mask covering most of his face, but he didn’t look happy. He got told off again, called a dictator and asked, politely, to “spare us your presence” at the meetings in Brussels where world leaders have convened to talk about the war in Ukraine.  Too bad Gavin Newsome wasn’t there.

All the airline execs have signed a letter saying the mask mandate on airplanes is a burden upon employees who were never trained as enforcement agents.  Airlines have hospital-grade filtered air on their airplanes, and many of the contentious episodes resulting in passengers being removed from flights and charged with crimes is because stewardesses, uglier than ever, are now barking orders instead of serving drinks.  It’s not about a disease, it’s all about control.

Gas prices are near record levels.  There’s little debate as to why, although we’ve been programmed to blame everything on Putin’s invasion.  The government response has been, not to release the oil companies to drill proven reserves, but to try and buy oil from the likes of Venezuela and producers in the Middle East.  Not to mention drawing down our national reserves.  But they’ve got another idea.  Why not issue government sponsored credit cards that people can use to buy gas?  Inflation?  Anybody?  We certainly wouldn’t want to irritate the squad!

We hope you’ve seen the woman at the swim meet.  About the large guy in a girl’s swimsuit she said, “I’m a woman, and that’s not a woman.”  Some idiot from a couple rows below says, “What are you, a biologist?”  She says, “No, and I’m not a vet, but I know a dog when I see one.”  Maybe you’ve already seen the exchange, but it’s still funny.  They asked the Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji if she could define what a woman is, and she said she couldn’t, she’s not a biologist.  We don’t need to see how she’ll vote on every issue before the High Court, everything will be totally predictable.

Wouldn’t it be something if the world is plunged into war, and U. S. leadership is utterly compromised from the outset.  You wonder when the information we Americans are finding out will ever be recognized by the mainstream.  They’re supposed to be telling us what is going on, but it looks like they’re the last to know.  Even when nearly everybody (who’s paying attention) knows the answer, the mainstream has never heard the question.

Nobody could write a novel containing all that is afoot in high places. Who’d believe it?  If somebody wrote a true rendition about what’s transpiring in our daily news, it would seem too fictional.  But it’s our reality in 2022.  Maybe some of this nightmare can be turned around, we surely hope so.  On the other hand, it could get worse.  With the U. S. fighting for the Western “values,” and the corruption that has taken place in high places it’s difficult to say who the good guys are.  All this is certainly not the fault of Ukrainian civilians.  It’s not our fault either.  We don’t believe that a man can put on women’s clothes, and presto!  Everyone is at pains to call it a girl, or suffer the wrath of social media, the corporations and the mainstream.  That’s one of the “values” that’s being fought over.  One thing we know for sure, you can’t imbibe too much tribulation without an emotional reaction.  We just don’t know who all we should be mad at.  None of this is going without notice.  May God’s Will be done in His time.  Propaganda means nothing to Him.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
