Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 31 December 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

Aren’t you glad you weren’t subjected to the zoom call between the supposed president and Vladimir Putin?  The descriptions are plenty.  Not that you can believe much of what’s reported in the mainstream press, but we’re assured that Putin knows he’ll really be in trouble if Ukraine is invaded.  Putin is no doubt quaking in his boots when the pretender says he’s going to “do more” to prevent such a thing from happening.  We’re talking economic sanctions here, as if Putin would think twice.  It’s not exactly like the Russians are drowning in prosperity anyway.  Decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russians are still so poor we have no idea.  Ukraine is undoubtedly more valuable than all the economic sanctions the pretender has in mind.

There were probably numerous “advisers” manipulating the responses.  Here’s betting Putin doesn’t have somebody telling him what to say.  There’s not much chance we’ll stumble into WW III over Ukraine.  Threats seem to revolve around what happens after the fact.  But mind you, the pretender was mighty tough!

Probably 80% or better of the news is the Corona nonsense.  They think we can’t get enough.  It turns out that the tests can’t tell the difference between the terrifying virus, the common cold or the flu.  Everything is COVID-19, or some variant.  The little twerp is apparently on TV every day giving some advice or other.  It may take years but it looks like someday, if the truth of the matter ever sees daylight, we’ll learn that the little doc funded the creation of the virus.  Now he apparently thinks he’s the most important man on earth, unconcerned that much of what he says contradicts what he’s said before.  But there is one common denominator.  You must be afraid.  You must not believe in any treatment other than one of three vaccines, and you’ll need more.  Just wait for further instruction.

Are we all small children, somehow?  When a parent tells a child to do something, he or she doesn’t expect any questions or conversation about it.  If the child asks why, the answer is and should be, “Because I said so.”  Suddenly the health agencies think they’ve become our parents, and there better not be any backtalk.  Do what they say, because they said so. Not only did they say so, but there are consequences for reluctance, let alone recalcitrance.  They hope you’ll be drummed out of society, out of your career if necessary, because you’ve been given orders and haven’t been prompt to obey.

Any doctors who don’t play ball, well they can just go find another job too.  You don’t criticize the mainstream doctrine without suffering serious loss, and that includes doctors and scientists across the board.  Scientists can’t practice unless they pay homage to global warming.  Doctors will be drummed out of the profession, banned by social media and reviled by polite society unless they simply go along with the mainstream philosophy, determined by the little doctor on a daily basis.  Whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath.  Apparently it was non-binding.

You have to wonder how many family gatherings were blown to smithereens when the issue came up over the family dinner table.  It’s becoming one of those subjects you don’t dare discuss, lest somebody go ballistic.  Maybe this is a flight of fancy, but you can’t watch any news media without being assaulted with talk of every hideous disease known to man by the drug companies.  There’s news that CNN has lost most of its audience (who can blame us?), but it’s sponsored largely by drug companies pushing some pill or injection that will cure what ails you if it doesn’t kill you first.  They whisper about common side effects and all the things that might go wrong while playing cheerful music and show old folks entertaining their grand kids.  Call your doctor…  Fat chance.

You know how worried they must be when they’re letting thousands and tens of thousands of foreigners walk across the border, only to be transported to remote locations in the middle of the night for immediate retirement courtesy of us racists.  What.  None of them has COVID?  None are tested?  And one other thing.  It seems the more successful the vaccination, the more the hysteria.  Respirators are once again being shipped by the government.  ICU’s are overflowing.  What’s with that?

Meanwhile we’re herded in various directions, none good.  The mainstream has determined there is no power other than man’s law.  Our laws are mostly good, because they predate the yahoo’s currently calling the shots.  Criminals now work their mischief with little or no fear (not in Texas) knowing they’ll be back on the street in no time, assuming the authorities even bother.  Flash mobs smash and grab at will, and no big deal.  After all, it’s reparations in real time.  The crime statistics are off the charts in every city you might mention.

It’s wonderful that X-mas is over, not that it’s all that much bother, other than that infernal music and clanging bells.  The Salvation Army probably didn’t have such a good holiday season after shaming their benefactors with charges of racism.  We’re all a little sick of all the ranting and raving.  Wouldn’t it be astonishing if the public got a clue, realized that there is an All Powerful God in Heaven who can, according to His Will intervene in our affairs.  Unless there is some awakening from the sea of nonsense, we’re on our own.



An Armstrong baby boy of my lineage is due any minute now.

Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
