Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 5 March 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

Everybody’s supposed to feel a lot better, now that thousands of unaccompanied minors are flooding across the border.  Apparently they’re given money (Bill O’Reilly said eleven hundred dollars) and allowed to travel wherever they see fit in the United States to await a hearing they’ll not attend.  Extended family is waiting somewhere south of the border, expecting that they’ll be able to join the minor as soon as someone in the new administration calls for reuniting families.

At this point you couldn’t be blamed for refusing to be subjected to this weekly update.  Some of us are trying to insulate our minds from the tidal wave of news that makes no sense.  It turns out that President Trump’s speech has been banished from popular platforms (while still available if you know where to look).  He committed the act that infuriates news anchors, and frankly is not allowed to be uttered aloud or in print.  Any suggestion that the last presidential election was in some way not to be trusted is “dangerous misinformation.”  To see their reaction, you’d think somebody had yelled “fire” in a crowded theater.  Not that any theaters are crowded anymore.

It seemed great news that Governor Abbott of Texas is calling off the great COVID scare, as soon as next Wednesday arrives.  Until then, you’ll do as you’ve been told.  Maybe you’ll still run into mask police at the front door of some businesses who’ve decided to keep the charade alive.  But then, they must not be in business to succeed.  Why would any business run off customers on purpose?  It must take a commitment that has nothing to do with “business.”

But Dr. Fauci and certain other public voices are alarmed!  You can’t get back to normal, yetIt won’t be long ’till the news is reporting record outbreaks again.  It wasn’t true before, and it won’t be true if they try it again.  But Fauci becomes irrelevant the minute the panic subsides, and we can’t let that happen!  Can we?

COVID succeeded in getting Donald Trump to leave the White House, but don’t think they’re about to give up on something that’s been so successful.  For decades they’ve been screaming their heads off about what an “existential crisis” we face with global warming, and how we’ve all got to forget other concerns and focus exclusively on our “carbon footprint.”  It never caught on, even with every news outlet and corporation preaching the gospel ’till they were blue in the face.  But COVID-19?  Nothing has ever caught on with the public like this has, so they’re just not going to let it go, even though the primary goal has already been accomplished.  Expect another barrage of health scares designed to make you wear a mask at your own funeral.  Can’t be too safe, you know.

There is a hint of good news though.  Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Israel will make sure Iran doesn’t get a nuclear bomb or pose any threat to the world at large, whether the American government revives the “Deal” or notChances are the nations that signed on to the Abraham Peace accords are not going to choose war over peaceful trade, despite the best efforts to return to traditional disputes.  We are well aware of the scenario laid out in Bible prophecy, and we’re not there yet.  If the sovereignty of the United States is relinquished to world bodies controlled from Europe, that may change.  Right now the world watches in amazement as the United States spirals toward self-destruction because former, and shadow President Obama says it’s the right thing to do.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
