Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 8 July 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

News of the shooting in a Copenhagen mall has circled the globe.  Maybe if they only had stricter gun laws this wouldn’t have happened.  Do you think somebody intent on killing people is going to care about the gun laws?  Lawful citizens already have to abide all kinds of regulations and federal “checks” to see that they’re in compliance.  Presumably the Copenhagen shooter fell through the cracks.  They’ll definitely need to pass more laws to see that this doesn’t happen again.

Here at home, the Supreme Court is driving the usual suspects crazy.  They struck down New York’s restrictive gun laws and the governor responded by making nearly everywhere someone might go a “gun-free zone.”  Would be shooters can reasonably expect that they’ll get no resistance if they go to one of those.

This morning we woke up to the news of the assassination of Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minster of Japan and by all accounts a great and humble man.  He was murdered by a homemade gun.  Mr. Abe appeared and gave an eloquent speech at Pearl Harbor on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, expressing grief and sorrow for the attack against the men in the service and their loved ones.  He vowed, on behalf of Japan to never again resort to war, and promised to pursue a policy of peace.  But that doesn’t cover it. He praised the freedom of America and the American people, something apparently abhorrent to our embarrassment of an administration and the mainstream ideology.

Gun laws are extremely strict in Japan, so much so that the average person would never dedicate so much time and trouble to following the stringent regulations.  So this assassin just made them at home.  He claimed he was trying to kill someone else.  Either way, he was a fine man who rose above the visceral hatreds of the past and pledged peaceful cooperation on behalf of the Japanese people.  Donald Trump loved Abe and thought very highly of him.  That alone is enough to send liberals over the top with hatred, but they surely dare not express it right now.  It seems like every world leader you can think of has come out and expressed their profound respect and sorrow.

Also this week we have the resignation of Boris Johnson as the Prime Minister of the U K.  What a disappointment he turned out to be.  We thought he’d be the Donald Trump of England, and then suddenly he was all about climate change and coronavirus restrictions.  Then came the scandals, staples of British entertainment.  When all the ministers who had supported him through those trials resigned, he knew it was over and said so in a very good-natured resignation speech.  Apparently he will remain in office while succession is sorted out.  You don’t suppose EU membership will be revisited?

When you look around the world, the nations that we have counted on to be sane are in a kind of political limbo.  It’s hard to know what comes next in Israel.  Boris is now just a place-holder, Canada has the heavy handed governance of Trudeau, and he’s buddies with Mark Rutte of Holland.  They are both graduates of Klaus Schwab’s WEF.   As we all know, that outfit knows everything about everything, way more than you or me.  Especially when it comes to planetary survival.

We’ve reached the point where quoting the Declaration of Independence is an act of defiance against a government that has declared war on its citizens.  You know the maneuver that temporarily stopped the rising price of gas?  Strategic reserves were reportedly released on the world market and sold to China.  If there were brokers in between, we’ll find out sooner or later.  Probably later.

You’d think there was a five alarm emergency over the Supreme Court’s recent decision on Roe.  There’s gnashing of teeth and all manner of nonsense.  There should be a law!  Make it an executive order!  Several woke institutions want you to know that they’ll pay the travel and whatever other expenses for a woman who has to go out of state to procure “treatment.”  Meanwhile, the true believers are still chasing Supreme Court Justices around.

You’d not know if limited to the mainstream news, the Dutch farmers have mounted a rebellion against EU plans to save the planet.  It seems that they’ve got to cut nitrogen emissions, and that has all kinds of ramifications.  It’s not exactly leading the news, but word is getting out.  Police actually shot at a 16 year old driving a tractor around a roadblock.  The crowds in protest are vast.  It looks like the Dutch farmers have figured it out, and been pushed far enough.  What’s everybody going to eat when the farms are interfering with planet saving measures?  This climate-change farce looks like the bandwagon everyone has to get on, or else.  That, and gay and tranny nonsense, reparations for racism and vaccine mandates.

They think they can repeal the Laws of God if they can just get enough of us to go along.  If the mainstream media can just get most people to accept the logic put forth, then they’ll be happy knowing that rebellion against the Laws of nature is “universal.”  The blurred “pride” logo on network TV and the internet tells us it’s universal, and we’re responding out loud.  Not quite.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
