Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – August 26, 2022

August 26,  2022

Weekly Update 

Greetings from Tyler,

It is my sad duty to acknowledge the death of our web-site operator for many years, Chris Cumming.  He linked these updates with proof of what was being discussed, and it’s unlikely anyone will take the time to keep that going.  When I heard that he had expired this morning, it came as something of a relief.  He was requiring the strongest of pain medication.

Probably 25 years ago Chris told me that someday people would be watching computers like it was television.  That’s when green cursors were still flashing and images were primitive.  Chris has been a fixture at our Lake Tahoe feast site and a reliable speaker.  It is not for us to write a full obituary, but Chris played an important helpful role for us for nearly thirty years as the sole operator of our web sites.  We will miss him.  

All anybody wants to talk about is the raid at Mar-a-Lago.  Maybe it’s getting safer to be critical, because quite a few big names have been very forthright in their charges of corruption.  Are they all going to get raided?  The warrant and affidavit were released, but are so heavily blotted out that nobody knows any more than they did.  All the mainstream is VERY CONCERNED.  Those documents, you know, pose a grave threat to national security, and who knows what he had planned.  The most cynical among us have proposed that Trump had the goods on the Russian Collusion myth, and those who cooked it up.  Talk about DANGEROUS documents!  Those could be terminal!  But who knows what or who to believe any more.  We’re surely not going to believe those that have been pulling our chain for how many years?  As long as we can remember.

How come you never see a trans-man (as if there were such a thing) challenging the men weight lifters or shot putters or swimmers?  It’s a big mystery.  But you won’t believe what’s happening in women’s golf.  Yep, some dude decided to play with the girls at golf, and no matter what happens the results will not be good.  Let’s hope he doesn’t break all the records, like in swimming.  

Fox News has embraced Bruce Jenner and his apparent transformation.  “She,” (still the father of supermodels) is the last word on these matters of appropriate transgender-ism in sports, and since Fox News calls him “she” we must be racist if it makes us miserable.  Apparently the argument all comes down to puberty and the male development of the cardiovascular system.  That makes all the difference.  For the record, Bruce in drag doesn’t support the trans swimmer who has smashed women’s swimming records.  Formerly “he” went through male puberty and has retained those advantages.  Not only that, he’s clearly a dude!

We’ve yet to see a biological female take on the top ranks of men in golf, but that would be entertaining.  Unfortunately a player must make the cut to be in the final rounds.  We’re pretty sure we’ll never see that.  All the diversity and inclusivity in the world can’t make that work.  But a man masquerading as a woman?  Just please don’t show us the legs!  That goes double for Bruce.

Suddenly everything’s great, have you noticed?  News persons are sitting up real straight and are giddy to tell us that we need to be organizing a parade or something, based on the “numbers.”  The “numbers” tell them that there’s a real national revival underway, and we suddenly love the pretender.  Nobody can figure out how it happened, but a rally has been held where the pretender fervently denounced any and all Trump supporters and called them (in my case, us) almost fascist.  It may well be dangerous to be a Trump supporter.  There may be a raid in the planning.  Rights?  They’ll see you in court with a judge who hates Trump on social media. 

Some  called the incident of the raid on Mar-a-Lago the day America changed.  Third world countries often see the political victor put an opponent in prison for suspected crimes.  It’s never happened in this country, until now.  It’s being charged that the White House was instrumental in the whole episode, waiving presidential privileges to make it possible.  The legalities may be a little complicated, no doubt too deep for mere observers like us.  

We can’t wrap this communication without acknowledging the timely retirement of our favorite gnome.  If somebody put Fauci’s likeness on a garden gnome, nobody would buy it.  Then there would be legal action, but there might be some of that in the near future anyway.  Rand Paul stated that there will be hearings and investigations over the origins of the deadly virus, and apparently the little doctor decided he didn’t want to be one of the highest paid goofballs in government when it happened.  After his two-year quest for visibility, there may be nowhere on earth left to hang out undisturbed. Ultimately there will be no place to hide.  


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
