Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – August 4, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

Sure hope the pretender doesn’t get in more trouble.  Every time he or his reprobate son gets bad news, they indict Trump for something else.  Except this isn’t something else.  Don’t hold me to it, but chances are the powers that be are going to be sorry they ever dreamed this up.  Having heard the logic behind the latest indictment, it’s the same ole, same ole.  The brilliant legal strategy the “special council” has come up with ends up with Trump denying voters their rightful vote.  What?

It’s very inventive the way they’ve structured the argument.  Whether it dies a very public and embarrassing death remains to be seen.  Laurence Tribe (respected lawyer) said it was brilliant the way Jack Smith had tailored the charges.  When I heard the upshot, I almost laughed out loud.  So, Trump “conspired” to make people’s lawful votes not count?  This is going to be great!

A risky peek at CNN, and they’re back to a panel that fills the screen.  The pretender (big guy) is in more trouble than ever, but they’re full of dark suspicions on the panels.  Why, Trump tried to overthrow the elections!  TV time is burnt like it’s worthless, speculations about how Trump committed treason.  They better be careful what they ask for, they’re liable to find themselves in the spotlight.  Trump says he’s only one indictment away from winning the next election.  At least he’s got a sense of humor, unlike all the talking heads.  

American policies have been sold.  We know the parameters, but the media is still in the dark.  They pretend not to understand what the rest of us know.  If the pretender was smart, he’d resign.  Due to medical complications, of course.  But Dr. Jill probably won’t give up the perks.  So we’ll all have to suffer more of this.  

The war in Ukraine better have nothing to do with Biden shenanigans.  Why is it that the U. S. is spending many times what the Europeans are, and it’s on their doorstep.  Meanwhile, the Ukranian prosecutor that Biden got fired says there was an attempt on his life.  They’re calling him names on the liberal sites, and saying his claim is preposterous.  We may never know.  You can read about it, the liberal outlets said he’s just in bad health and had an episode.  But there are medical claims that he was suffering from mercury poisoning.  Seems like this happened once-

You probably heard, the ratings agencies have downgraded U. S. debt, again.  Now we’re two stages below optimum.  Is our paper currency going to become worth less?  It already is, especially at the gas station.  The question is whether or not the value of the dollar will crash, hard.  So, who is purchasing U. S. debt?  The Federal Reserve, and…  

America is spending money on foolishness, and adding it to the national debt.  Surely the next couple of generations will understand.  We get the global warming nonsense from every car maker, as if we’re all going to buy battery cars.  They’ve lost millions for the manufacturers, and ships carrying electric cars keep burning down with high-end cars on board.  Gas burners.  The car companies may have to be bailed out again, but this time on account of doing the government’s bidding.  No doubt everyone will be made whole.  Just add it to the debt. 

I guess we’ve learned the hard way, they’ll tell us anything.  Nothing is off limits.  It’s hard to say whether the U. S. will survive in the long run.  The people who have circled the wagons around the pretender hate this country.  Can the United States succeed and prosper when we have leaders that hate everything we stand for?  Or are we being punished for all the nonsense by rotten individuals that have been allowed to take us down?  The Lord works in mysterious ways.         
