Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – December 22, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

I’ve got good news and bad news.  The good news is that a law has passed the Texas legislature that will allow the arrest of illegal aliens.  The bad news is, it doesn’t take effect until March. We see the glut at the border, it looks like the line to ride the Matterhorn at Disneyland.  But these people don’t speak English, and have paid dearly for passage from the smugglers.  Once they get to the United States they’ll fulfill their dreams, or will they?  The entire border patrol has been enlisted to “process” people, whatever that means.  We don’t even know what these “immigrants” are given or what they’re being told.  But they’re put on buses to go wherever they want.

The news from the southern border is enough to keep you from watching.  By the time the Texas law kicks in, at the rate of 12 thousand per day, you figure it out.  We’ll be swamped.  Obama never did have our best interests at heart, and Biden does what he’s told.  Not that he doesn’t voice his opinion from time to time, but it just doesn’t matter.  We hear what he has said, but don’t dare watch him say it.  It’s just too depressing.

They’re trying to link Ukrainian aid with the Southern border.  So the broken border can’t be fixed unless we fund Ukraine in its fight against the Russians.  But there’s a problem.  Ukraine is losing, and there’s no way they can win.  At this point it will be good money after bad.  Another thing is that we don’t even know what’s happened to the money already sent.  Someday we’re going to find out where the large sums have gone.

You’ve probably seen something about the Colorado court case.  They’ve convicted Trump of insurrection and pronounced him guilty.  Not that he’s been found guilty, or even charged.  But these buffoons in Colorado must be scared to death.  Trump just can’t get elected again, or Katy bar the door.  So they’ve decided his name can’t appear on the ballot.  

Inflation? They’re trying to tell us not to believe our eyes.  But nobody can believe the prices they’re paying for necessities.  Bidenomics, they’ve resurrected the term, hasn’t been good for anybody.  Watching Joe walk has become a painful experience to see.  He apparently thinks he’s pulling it off, and nobody dares tell him otherwise.  It’s excruciating watching him walk or talk.  The whole world knows he’s out to lunch.

Who knows how many crises we’ll be facing by this time next year?  The U. S. is not responding to the attacks on civilian shipping by the Houthis in the Red Sea.  Apparently there is a ten nation task force to protect civilian shipping.  We’ll see.

Everybody’s demanding a cease fire.  The UN is making pronouncements, but Israel no longer cares.  The worst atrocities since WWII cannot be allowed to happen again.  Period.  All the crying, begging doesn’t make much difference after they’ve slaughtered over a thousand people and committed all manner of atrocities.  We don’t even want to know what they’ve done.  Don’t tell us.

Germany has just positioned troops outside their borders, in Lithuania.  That wasn’t supposed to happen, and hasn’t until now.      
