Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – July 14, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

It’s been another week of pitiful embarrassments, as world leaders exchange glances at televised events.  The video of him pulling his chair on the beach says it all.  They’ve edited that scene out of some videos, for good reason.  The only question now is, will he get to see how all this turns out?

U. S. Army Reserves have been called up and are being sent to the perimeter of the Ukrainian war.  It’s turning into the 21st Century Vietnam.  Only everybody switched sides.  What are the Reserves for?  A display of readiness should things go to the next level?  Or intended to confuse Putin into believing that we’re prepared to start WWIII over what’s left of Ukraine?  It seems like our tranquility is being disturbed by the Biden administration.  Whoever is calling the shots. 

The Secret Service called a Congressional briefing to let everybody know that the coke case has gone cold.  They cannot  solve it, not even with all the forensic means available.  Certainly not with cameras!  There are three or four documentary series on TV, where the most complex crimes are solved.  But this time they’re stumped, and furthermore no  one should worry any longer because it’s been officially declared dead.  So let that be the end of that.

Did you see any of the Chris Wray testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee?  He held his own, but got told off by several conservative Senators.  The stock answer is that the matter at hand is under active investigation and therefore not to be discussed.  It seems like that was the answer to quite a few questions.  If something is under investigation, nobody can talk about it.  What an ingenious device!  The excerpts go on and on.

Why must they make us all complicit?  We’re not celebrating any of their goofy months or weeks or whatever.  Who decides this nonsense?  They can’t ban us all, can they?  It’s as if all kinds of ideology has been applied to society in general, and you better not step out of line lest some wire be tripped, and oops, you’re canceled.  Is this what we’re facing?  We have to lock arms with anti-God idiots to survive?  We’ll pass.

It is probably already too late to turn this juggernaut around.  We’ve been spent into debt in terms that are difficult to comprehend.  The interest on American debt is set to supersede some of the most cherished government programs in coming years.  But Ukraine!

How long has society been practicing “affirmative action?”  The Supreme Court just ruled the practice un-Constitutional, and you should hear the howling.  It’s been understood for decades that institutions have their rules for admission, and…  Well, they’re not going to be able to go by those rules in the future.  No doubt somebody will come up with another righteous theory, and it’ll take another thirty or forty years to straighten out.  But in the meantime true believers are losing it.

Who wants to join the military?  Apparently it’s become a bastion of woke philosophy, and recruits are not easy to come by.   The military has become a testing ground for equity, diversity and inclusion.  You know that must be great for morale.  No wonder recruiting is difficult.  In addition, who wants to be on the front lines when  they’re flirting with WWIII?

Is it true that we’re burning through so many munitions in Ukraine, that the administration is having to send cluster bombs?  It’s hard to imagine that the U. S. is dipping deeply into its supplies because Putin has greedy intentions.  Ukraine has been reduced largely to rubble.  Heart wrenching scenes of mothers emerging from bombed buildings wondering where to go.  I’m sure the experts have it all figured out.

There’s no question that the U. S. is being punished.  Will there be a revival?  It can’t come soon enough, hopefully before the pretender stumbles us into complete oblivion.  What happens when the wheels come off?  We’ve anticipated some blockbuster publicity before, something that would derail everything, and have been disappointed when nothing happened.  Maybe it’ll be different this time.  Apparently there are tapes confirming that American policies have been sold, and they will be made public in hearings next week.  Stand by, if it happens, for that to overwhelm other news.  No doubt explanations are being hatched as you read.  Then what?  The mind boggles.

It doesn’t look too good and God cannot be amused anymore than we are.  America better get back to its founding principles and turn against all this godless philosophy, or everything’s going to go horribly wrong.  That’s how it works.    
