Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – March 31, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

This week will go down in history, for more than one reason.  Well-known and respected commentators are saying that there’s no going back.  If the ruling party decides to use the levers of state power to bring down an opponent, then the primary difference between America and the third world no longer exists.  It will never end.  The institutions we once believed and respected are corrupt.  No one hasn’t heard of the indictment of Donald Trump, thirty four counts the headlines say.  There’s no need to weigh in, everybody’s doing it.  

It’s full employment for the talking heads, a ratings bonanza!  This is what the enemies of our rule of law have been wanting all along.  I hope they’re enjoying themselves.  How many investigations, impeachments and deadly scandals have there been so far?  Maybe five or six, any one of which could have been his final demise.  But he’s still standing, saying he’s going to dismantle the deep state and fire everybody who’s shilling for the madness that’s over-taken the media and academia.  None of the other principals in the endless pursuit have come out looking too good.  Nadler?  Schiff?  Mueller?  Clapper?  Brennan?  The list is incomplete, but you get the picture.  Trump’s tormentors have suffered humiliation that you just can’t quantify.  But what about this time?

America is getting drug through the trough of slop, again.  Nobody’s ever got ratings like they get when they’re breaking scandal news.  This time it’s Donald Trump.  Several respected names are saying that the prosecutor is funded by George Soros.  I don’t have the proof, but I believe them.  We’re seeing how far we’ve fallen.  

Gay nonsense is being shoved down America’s throat by the media.  The usual suspects are airing commercials about how “equitable” and “inclusive” they are.  Meanwhile a tranny just shot up a school killing three little kids and three adults.  You might have seen the law official having the details dragged out of him.  The illogical pronouns had to postpone their “day of rage,” for crying out loud.  Whenever they do have their day of rage, all the photos will probably be long shots.  No doubt they’ll be heavily disguised, but you can’t hide that much ugly.  

We don’t know if WWIII has already been touched off or what.  China apparently has Putin’s back in the Ukraine war, so it will go on and on.  It’s not a very good feeling when you’ve got idiots, the likes of which we see trotted out to explain the border.  They look dumbstruck when confronted by the reality we see every day.  They haven’t heard about things with which we’re well aware.  It’s enough to make you break your TV.  But try to just change the channel or leave the room.

I don’t know how current “leadership” could do any better at destroying everything we hold dear.  Of course they’re doing it with the utmost compassion, inclusivity, whatever.  Those out to eradicate America are on top right now.  We hate that we’re going to have to live through it.  Just call us when it’s over, because this is going to hurt.  

Everything that could go wrong, did.  In short order.  We knew that this was going to be a wrecking crew, but we had no idea it would be this fast.  The banks are in trouble, the dollar is in trouble.  Every bad dictator on earth has the green light on their darkest dreams.  Suddenly we’re in a proxy war with Russia (and maybe China) over Ukraine.  Little rocket man is acting up again.  We’re fighting Iranians in Syria.  Saudi Arabia and Iran are making overtures.  If you want to know what’s going on in Israel, just substitute Netanyahu’s name for Trump.  They’re coming at him from all directions.

There are dire warnings about the strength of the dollar, as China and Brazil make an agreement to trade in other currencies.  America is in a dangerous spot, and the ruling party is trying to make sure there’s no going back.  It’s like scrapping working power plants.  They’re making sure there’s no going back.  

We just want a peaceful life, with law and order under the Constitution.  Is that too much to ask?  Apparently so.  We need to pray for the wisdom to navigate whatever the future holds, because we are living in a time like no other. 


