Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – May 3, 2024

Greetings from Tyler,

What are they going to do with all the refugees from Gaza?  The surrounding Arab countries won’t take them.  Apparently the administration is considering bringing them into the United States. They’ll probably sneak them into regional airports in the middle of the night.  Can you imagine? They’ve got more money than sense in several oil kingdoms, and they don’t want the people of Gaza underfoot.  You know what that means.  We’ve already got battles on college campuses between Arabs and Jews.  Will the pretender succeed in bringing the war that never ends to the United States?

It’s almost like they’re in a race.  There’s a good chance, if there’s any fairness left in the world, that Trump will trounce Biden worse than the last time.  They just can’t face the fact that Biden can’t even pull it off anymore.  Walking is a major accomplishment, if only he knew which way to go.  The greatest hits are embarrassing.  We can only take so much.

Meanwhile liberals are counting on one of the legal cases to put an end to their nightmare.  They can’t even believe how much they hate Trump.  That’s because he’s going to win his court cases, the prosecutors will be exposed for their coordination with the White House, and it will finally be out in the open for all to see.  But it’s their only chance.  

He played it straight the first time, and let everybody go about their business.  Those who tried to take him out were shell-shocked, but it worked out fine.  He didn’t turn the three letter agencies against his enemies, but they still hated him.  If he gets another chance he better rid us of their influence, and he knows it.

It’s almost like the pretender is trying to destroy us for our own good.  Wouldn’t it be interesting  to see what’s going on behind the scenes?  If you think he writes these scripts on the teleprompter… He wouldn’t have so much trouble reading them if it were his writing.  But we don’t deserve what we have, and it’s just not fair.  The THIRD WORLD needs to pour in from all directions, just to make it fair.

How dare we live in peace and prosperity!  Maybe we should be drowning in rage, like so many in the Middle East.  Fists in the air, mouths wide open, they’re mad forever.  You don’t want to hear what they’re mad about, because it never ends.  The injustice of it all! (s)

Here we are, in one of the nations God promised to Abraham, and the Arabs are out of their minds with arguments.  Unfortunately, some of these mad-men have powerful weapons and are just crazy enough to use them, while shouting something incomprehensible.  

Yeah, we need them over here.  Besides, no one else will take them. But you’ve seen what happens.  We’ve got the Middle Eastern war playing out on our college campuses!  Maybe it sounds racist, but who cares?  Kindly send them back where they came from, where they can rage around the clock.  Life is too short as it is.  
