Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – May 5, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

Is there anything else that could go wrong?  We’ve seen heartbreaking scenes from the border, but it’s not bad enough yet.  They tell us we’re about to get overrun.  Title 42 you know.  Somebody else is going to have to watch what happens and tell me, or better yet don’t.  

They caught the mass shooter in Texas, an illegal alien whose been deported at least four times.  No, they’re not dangerous.  They’re just looking to improve their lives.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve had about all the kindergarten talk I can stand.  

Is there not enough scandal already?  Hunter’s alimony payments threaten to bring down the whole house of cards.  It’s not enough that the big guy zones out in front of cameras, but you understand, his son brought the legal action that’s playing out now.  He’s gone on offense.  Everybody’s going to get sued, maybe even the laptop repairman.  Is an addict running the whole show?

It’s doubtful any of the principals in the administration would have advised that Hunter bring an action in court that would require the disclosure of foreign income.  Whose idea was that?  At any rate, it’s not going well.  How many of those child support payments are going to legal fees?  It seems the Arkansas judge may not be overly impressed with the high-powered lawyers.  Especially when they’re trying not to disclose sources of income.  Maybe somebody didn’t think this through.  

One of the controversies getting traction this week was an exchange between John Kennedy and Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk.  Senator Kennedy tried to nail down just how much these mind-boggling sums of money the government needs to spend are going to lower the temperature.  He didn’t know.  After all the years of scandals (East Anglia University), Davos meetings where environmental alarmists gather to congratulate one another, they’re no longer trying to convince us of anything.  They’ve got accusations ready to go if we balk at any of their “suggestions,” better known as mandates.  The mainstream news nearly went berserk at the right-wingers talking about the government banning gas stoves.  We were beyond laughable.  But, what do you know?  

It looks like the wheels are coming off the grifter’s administration.  But never underestimate the mainstream media’s ability to deflect and change the subject.  Biden might have already crashed and burned if it weren’t for the fervent and nearly universal fear and hatred for Trump.  Which means fear and hatred of people like us.  Trump tells them off like nobody else dares, and says he’ll reverse all this nonsense.  I don’t know about you, but I hope he gets the chance.  

There have been times in the past when our leaders didn’t seem to have best interests of the U. S. and it’s citizens in mind.  But it’s much worse now.  What are they going to do, start W W III to make sure we don’t find out why the first family is so rich?  We’re starting to wonder.  We don’t even know who’s running the country, but we definitely know who’s not.

Now the Secretary of State is in trouble.  Not only was he apparently involved in the Russian disinformation description of the laptop from you-know-where, now they’re saying that he had some involvement with Hunter.  There are more scandals than we can possibly keep up with, and policy decisions that we can hardly believe are being implemented at the same time.  

Some historical events are about to take place.  The coronation of King Charles for instance.  We know that there would never fail to be an heir of David on the thrown of Israel.  Charles has been an embarrassment since time immemorial.  If anything, he seems more dignified now.  But it looks like he’s a member of the club that’s “saving the planet” at our expense.  

Oh, and the Kentucky Derby is this weekend.  That might not be so depressing. 
