Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – November 11, 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

It seems we may have been a little optimistic. Is it really possible that half of the people in the United States are bought in to all the foolishness? Are we to believe that the constant brainwashing has worked on the general population?  

Our blessings have become political issues. We’re supposed to banish God’s blessings on account of some prognosticators who’ve been wrong about nearly everything for all these years? Maybe if world leaders attend more conferences they can coordinate the destruction of God’s blessings. Government has stuck its nose where it has no business.  It’s a global movement with no front man. There’s no one to question. It’s a consensus!  

It’s all UN commissions and university findings, sometimes financed by large grants. The system seems compromised. What are they supposed to do? Tell their benefactors that their theory holds no water? Even if it did, the premise that man or government is going to control the weather is preposterous. Don’t these people believe in God?

If we thought a big change was in the offing, we still don’t know. Watching the supervisor explain wasn’t very satisfying. The “goalposts might move?” We just want to know which direction the country is going. Is that too much to ask? Arizona and Nevada must be embarrassed to have every other state in the union wrapped up and they’re still working on it? Is it just a perception, or does the delayed outcome provide more opportunity for shenanigans? We may be in limbo as to the future direction of our governance, but it doesn’t look good.  

Meanwhile, Europe isn’t doing so well. They’re well ahead of the United States in attempting to go green. Now they’re in recession and facing what might turn out to be a brutal Winter. You’ve probably heard, the crypto currencies just lost big. It’s amazing how much wealth has just evaporated out of the market. We hope your money wasn’t in crypto.

All the threats the world is facing are real. The international powers know there will probably never be a better time to take what they want. It is our fervent hope that the United States doesn’t stumble into a destructive war. But you have to wonder if that’s not what’s going to happen with these geniuses at the helm. They clearly don’t represent people who believe in God. 


P. S.  Please remember Mr. Terry Gooch of Springfield, Missouri in your prayers.