Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – November 18, 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

We’re seeing some astonishing photos of protests in Brazil, and there is some question as to how things work out going forward.  An AP story says the photos being circulated are from years ago, and the protests are not nearly that big.  Nevertheless, there is some question about the legality of the exercise, and the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro is refusing to concede that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won fairly.  We wish that were the worst thing going on.

There are concerns about the way recent elections were handled in some states (most notably Arizona) where no concessions are being made.  It didn’t turn out as advertised, and it comes as a disappointment.  Still, it looks like Congress has changed hands and the investigations and hearings we expect are going to happen after all.  

Some pretty serious allegations are floating around saying the first family got incredibly wealthy providing access to some shady characters.  Some are saying the U. S. has been sold out.  Isn’t that what they’ve been trying to hang on somebody else?

It turns out the infamous raid on the home of the former president has had whatever effect.  All the brave pundits have disappeared.  You probably won’t hear it on the news, but quiet admissions have been made.  That stuff about classified documents and an intent to commit treason apparently was for pre-midterm consumption.  

Meanwhile the world’s leaders are pursuing panic over their plans to save the planet.  They’ve attended conferences that no longer question the theory.  It’s time for action! (/s)  They now want nations to implement their “climate change goals,” and it’s being couched as human rights.  But that’s not all.  They want to blend it with all the other catchwords, and some of them make the most abhorrent of behavior sound like a “human right.”  

We should also know that all the big banking institutions are participating in an experiment to see how they do with a digital currency.  Hopefully it fails.  If they control the money and what we do with it based on their own strategy for saving the planet and promoting perversion, we’re not going to like it.  If there’s some way to opt out, we’ll do that.  

This is one time we hope to be wrong.  But the big players in Europe are saying that GLOBAL rules that check all their boxes must be established.  We’d hate to see their regulatory agenda.   The pretender is in such trouble, who knows what will serve as a distraction.  World War III?  That might do it.  Turn policy decisions over to European institutions?  We’re going to have trouble with anything like that.  It sounds way too much like something the Bible warns against.  

It’s pretty plain to see.  Our national leaders are trying to force all manner of sin upon the nation, even changing their symbols to provoke.  It’s in sports, it’s in news, it’s in government and it’s being crammed down everybody’s throats.  We have to stand against it, reject it and make sure we don’t compromise for the sake of getting along.  There are some things with which you just don’t compromise.  

Mark Armstrong