Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – November 3, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

Demonstrations are going on all over the world, and here in the U. S.  They’re on several university campuses, choking Central Station, the Brooklyn bridge…  They’re waving flags, shouting slogans, demanding a ceasefire?  Maybe somebody should have thought of that a few weeks ago.

The way to break up these demonstrations is to place a big screen where it can’t be avoided.  We don’t want to see what Hamas did, but they need to.  

Informed diplomats are popping up everywhere to demand a humanitarian pause in Israel’s response to the terrorists in Gaza.  Somehow the news anchors are not swayed by terrorists tunnels safely beneath the hospital.  Everybody’s an innocent victim, except that guy on the phone with his parents boasting in near tears about how he’d killed them “with my own hands.”  

I saw a report on a guy who survived the assault on a kibbutz.  He had a Glock.  Otherwise he and his family would have been shot or dragged off as hostages.  The guy killed ten or twelve bad guys and saved his family.  They’re giving interviews.  Israel is going to have to do something about their strict gun laws.  Apparently the demand is surging amid current circumstances.  What sense does it make to be defenseless in that environment?

The Hamas shot-callers are reportedly phoning it in from lavish penthouses in Qatar.  The Israeli military already has assets in Gaza, having cleared a path.  From there, you presumably know the latest on the situation.  Assuming you’re interested.  It’s our job to be interested, and we probably would be anyway.  

Now Erdogan of Turkey is making brave threats about sending his military to the war zone.  

As you’ve heard, Qatar is doing all the negotiating for the hostages.  Somehow they’ve been able to position themselves as the broker of Middle East deals.

Some Iranian diplomat was allowed into the United States where he threatened the U. S. on Iran’s behalf at the UN podium.  Now the Houthis from Yemen have declared war on Israel.   Diplomats are racing around like its WWIII.  Not yet, but the war is threatening to take on new dimensions.  Do those in Lebanon really want Beirut to look like Gaza?  There are drone shots of crowds of young men scouring the powdered concrete blocks.

Maybe I-24 News has the most detailed coverage, but the news channels are Live around the clock.  Black and white target cams obliterate your screen as bombs detonate structures.  They say there are 300 miles of tunnels deep under Gaza city.  Hostages are still being held, even some with American passports.  There will be books written, movies made.  We can’t imagine all that is transpiring in real time.

Israeli forces caught a bunch of the infiltrators.  They were making maybe 25 or 30 of them listen to Israeli nursery music by the hour.  They say they’re conducting interrogations “by the law.”  Some of the target information for all the buildings we see imploding is coming from these guys.  Some reportedly start singing right away, others…  Physical pressure is applied.  You don’t want to know.

The top universities in the U. S. are choked with demonstrations on behalf of… Hamas?  Yes, you read it right.  

Now we’re wondering if the terror will come to the United States.  The F.B.I. Director said it’s a strong possibility.  The border is leaking at a tremendous rate.  We can’t even stand to watch as huge crowds stream toward the crossings.  Just another day for those responsible.  They send some moron before Congress to explain how it’s all under control.  Department of what? 

So the terrorists are making brave threats.  Americans will pay for their support of Israel, they boast.  You don’t suppose some terrorist network has infiltrated amid the border charade?  They’re not sure who all got away, but as we’ve seen the “immigrants” are coming from all over the world.

Congress is wrestling with funding.  As you know, the administration is lobbying for Ukraine funding and financial help for Israel be lumped together.  Some, growing weary of backing the skirmish in Ukraine, want the two issues decoupled.  An interview with someone in the know in the top echelons of Ukraine made the reporter turn off his tape recorder, and then said they’re stealing “like there’s no tomorrow,” speaking of the distribution of U. S. aid.  We suspected so.

You know Al Gore must be pacing the floor, worried that there are more immediate threats than his desperate view of the future. We weren’t buying it anyway. 
