Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – November 4, 2022

Greetings from Tyler,

Around the world, leaders have taken note. Why else is there a war in Ukraine? Why are the Chinese maneuvering toward Taiwan, insisting that it’s sovereign territory? Why is little rocket man shooting rockets toward Japan and scaring the South Koreans half to death? Why is Iran acting up, making demands and acting like it has clout? Afghanistan, that’s why.  

The debacle was so complete that every bad actor on earth decided this was the perfect time to resume hostilities. The United States left Afghanistan in the most chaotic way imaginable. You know the worst of it.  We left behind an airbase, an important one that we’d spent plenty constructing. We left vehicles, helicopters, guns, night goggles that were brand new. Overnight we turned an enemy into one of the foremost arms dealers on earth.  It was “image changing,” for the United States, to coin a phrase. Who’s afraid of the United States now?  Not the Chinese, not the Russians, not Kim Jong Un. Our allies have bought into the “leadership” provided by the WEF.  American leaders don’t seem to be on the side of right about anything.

Our military leadership has trannys making recommendations if not decisions, and we hear war drums from several directions.  They’re all bought into the mainstream nonsense.  They’re more interested in fulfilling the demands of lunacy and comparing shoes than protecting American and allied interests around the world.  The brass that comes forward to explain things doesn’t instill the intended confidence.  World leaders are watching, whether we are or not.

The government is getting mighty comfortable telling everyone what to do.  You don’t suppose the social media companies are participating in the propaganda?  Some things are starting to come out about the “collusion” (can we call it that?) between the social media companies and the deepest state.  Interesting that they started calling everybody fascists. There is an apparent connection between information the government wants us to have, and what they consider “dangerous” opinions.  Those must be de-platformed, punished and silenced.  If there is government input on what becomes mainstream knowledge and what is labeled “disinformation,” then they are guilty of precisely what they were screaming about. We’re almost used to it.

So the guy who orchestrates everything, including official policies, has said that the pretender thought it was important to issue “one final warning,” because there are still people who are saying he didn’t win office fairly.  Apparently this is the most dangerous opinion you can express, and nobody seems to know what will happen if this “one final warning” isn’t enough.  There’s plenty of taunting in the comments.  

The months ahead will be filled with elation and dread. We’d all be beside ourselves if we thought the nation would be living under the boot of corrupt agencies going forward. Somehow we’re maintaining calm, knowing that we’re not nearly as crazy as the media makes us out to be.  It’s not exactly going to be smooth sailing. The economy is nearly ruined. Inflation is eating us alive. We’re treated to constant lecturing about “diversity, inclusion, equity” and of course the need to “save the planet” from global warming. Nearly complete pipelines have been canceled by executive order.  Radicals are gluing themselves to walls and defacing priceless paintings.  That ought to show us!  

There will be investigations as far as the eye can see, and with them will come embarrassments we can scarcely stomach. It’s all in the works. Maybe you’ve noticed that some of the most reprehensible “news reporters” of note will soon be looking for work.  Elon Musk is firing half of the “workforce” at twitter. The mainstream hopes he’ll fail. They can’t afford free speech, Constitutional or not.

Meanwhile there’s a plot to implement a world government. In the words of Rand Paul, “It’s not a conspiracy theory.” You have to wonder whether much that we’ve suffered wasn’t a manipulation, planned and orchestrated by European institutions. The public identities of the “leaders” are well known. But there is an architect behind the scenes, as far as Americans are concerned, and his name is Jacques Attalli. He’s got all the credentials and has been an advisor to nearly all the French leaders you could name. These guys are openly talking about the “need” for world government. They’re dedicated to the idea. A list of World Economic Forum alumni in strategic positions of government around the world will surprise you. They’ve got a plan that puts them and their ridiculous ideas over regular people. It’s all about these buzzwords we can’t stand. While they’re riding in limos and private jets, we’re supposed to feel good about energy prices and these geniuses saving the planet. Never mind that temperatures were hotter than anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes in the 1930’s. Explain that!

In France, public gatherings are being canceled on account of global warming. People are told to stay home instead of going out and contributing to a planetary disaster. Who exactly is the expert who’s decided that there’s no limit to demands that can be made on behalf of “saving the planet?” It’s these European gurus who think they hold the key to the future. Their answer is world government. Our blessed hope is that there are enough sane people left to turn our national ship around in the United States. But who knows what’s in the offing? Biblical history shows that it’s a real good idea to obey God. But these “leaders” won’t even acknowledge His existence.  
