WND EXCLUSIVE: Taxpayers forced to spend millions on gay, trans projects via omnibus bill

Including huge chunk for ‘LGBTQ+ Museum’

Thanks to Republican support for a newly passed $1.7 trillion omnibus federal spending bill, American taxpayers are funding left-leaning LGBT organizations across the country, including those that promote deviant sex to youth, teach biased “gay history” to kids, and lobby for letting biological boys use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms in schools.

The Washington Stand reported that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill — backed by 18 GOP senators and signed into law December 30 by President Biden — contains $11 million in LGBT funding, included the following homosexual- and transgender-related earmarks (specific spending requests) by Democrat lawmakers:

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Source: https://www.wnd.com/2023/01/taxpayers-forced-spend-millions-gay-trans-projects-via-ominous-bill/

