Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 26 November 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

What is this, a Biblical pestilence? Did you ever doubt for a moment that there would be “variants,” lots of them? It’s uncanny. Just when the reports were that cases were on the wane we have a brand new global panic. Financial markets are falling apart, travel restrictions are being announced and the WHO is holding a special session. Dr. Fauci will be on all the mainstream outlets with sage pronouncements of sound advice. He’ll tell you what to do, where to and where not to go and what kind of mask you should wear when you get there. Maybe wear the mask while driving alone.

A majority of states are suing the central government over shot requirements and mask mandates. In Texas, the governor issued an executive order banning schools from enacting mask requirements. One court struck it down and has since been overruled. It’s hard to keep up with all the twists and turns over who’s in charge around here. Is it the governor, is it the Judge, is it the President, or is it Dr. Fauci? Be frightened if you must, but these arrogant bureaucrats have grown awfully bold with their authority. Did somebody elect these people and give them unbridled power? In some cases, we’re told, yes.

We don’t even want to know the extent of the anti-racist, pro-global warming mandates being pushed by “elected officials” in the lost paradise of California. No doubt, California has everything anybody could want. Over the years it’s lost its sanity. What a blessed region and a wonderful climate. Unfortunately the people there have had to suffer one indignity after another.

The cities were overrun with “homeless” who could do no wrong. Then a flood of illegal aliens, also immune from criticism. But the latest craze surely can’t continue without somebody getting hurt. That’s the worst thing, and the one thing government won’t tolerate. Violence!!

When we saw some years ago the advent of “flash-mobs,” we knew no good could come from it. Apparently the strategy has been honed to perfection. High end department stores are blocked with cars while the occupants in ski-masks cart away all the merchandise they can carry. No doubt the offenders feel justified. You know, discrimination, white supremacy and racism. Don’t think for a minute that we’ve heard the last of it. What’s next? Armed guards? Mainstream media would be inconsolable.

It’s almost axiomatic that whatever transpires on the West coast is due to sweep the nation if not the world within a couple of years. It will be interesting to see whether the rest of the nation will sit still for that kind of authoritarianism. But here comes FEAR and all the authority needed to manage it. They don’t know yet but they suspect… We’ll have to wait weeks for the details, but they suspect that there may be many mutations, and don’t yet know if the vaccines are effective against the B.1.1.529 out of South Africa.

What happened to the letters of the Greek alphabet? Maybe they were starting to lose their ability to frighten the masses. The new variant has shown up in Israel and in Europe, and South Africa is in the process of being quarantined from the rest of the world.

It’s not exactly burning up the front pages, but massive protests have been mounted all over the world. From Australia to Europe and here at home, people are breaking the rules to let the infallible bureaucrats know that they’re all through taking orders, following mandates or being “quarantined” by “health officials” with an authority complex.

Suddenly news reporters are mostly advocates for the most intrusive of requirements. Just do it! They advise that you’ll only be safe if you do what you’re told. They hope we’ll live our lives in fear, always mindful of the latest mandate. It’s a litigation dream come true. We’ll just have to wait for everything to wind its way through the judicial system. Apparently the Supreme Court has agreed to take a case that has ramifications for Roe vs. Wade. Maybe defunding the police wasn’t such a good idea. You know cities will burn, high end stores will be robbed blind, and it will all be acceptable to the mainstream. They’ll call it social justice, or some mis-nomer.

Officials are arguing about what “fully vaccinated” even means. How many booster shots are we supposed to take before we get the green light. The officials are deep in consultation. May it not go well. As it is, we don’t know if it’s our fault. How corrupt is it going to get before big troubles begin? Or have they already?


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
