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Letter: Governors are acting like dictators

posted in: News, United States

Several governors have told us that life after the coronavirus will be the “new normal.” We’ve heard that before for eight long years during the stale economy of Barack Obama.

In fact, those on the left are pretty hopeful this will change our existence; they have made that quite clear. The loss of freedom doesn’t seem to bother most of these folks; it harkens back to the “better red than dead” attitude of the 1960s.

Some governors are willing to suspend rights guaranteed under the Constitution and then, in a dictatorial fashion, decide for themselves that for instance you can’t go to Home Depot or purchase grass seed. They suspend elective surgeries, but abortions are perfectly fine to continue? Virginia’s governor is using this crisis to shut down gun stores.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is threatening fines and arrests should anyone dare congregate for religious services.

I’m not downplaying the need for social distancing, face masks, and other prophylactic measures nor am I minimizing the severity of the virus, but the arrogance of some governors who have limited freedoms in partisan fashion exposes their true agenda.

This crisis reveals what could happen in this country if a strong central government controlled the states and how many of our fellow citizens would just go along and surrender rights. It illustrates what people outside of the free world experience on a daily basis. It should be a lesson to everyone just how precious our freedoms are.



Source: https://www.concordmonitor.com/Governors-and-freedom-34025066
