Shocking pics show bridges collapsing & homes underwater as ‘once in a century’ floods threaten 127million in China

Shocking footage shows swelling rivers causing havoc across the south of China by destroying bridges and flooding roads AT LEAST three people have died with 11 still missing after severe floods only seen “once in a century” continue to wreck … Read More

Border Patrol intercepts more than 1,000 pounds of meth, cocaine chemicals from China

April 16 (UPI) — Customs and Border Protection officers in Chicago on Thursday seized a shipment from China containing methamphetamine precursor and a cocaine cutting agent, the CBP announced Tuesday. A narcotics detection dog named Aldo helped CBP officers discover … Read More

U.S. rejects China’s claim to Arunachal Pradesh, says it is a part of India

The U.S. has rejected China’s “unilateral attempts” to claim over Arunachal Pradesh, weighing in on a spat between New Delhi and Beijing after Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a tunnel in the northeaster Indian state. It is the latest in … Read More

World on the brink as Taiwan admits US troops are now stationed on Chinese border

American troops are to be permanently stationed in Taiwan, according to Taipei, a huge move that will likely send tensions with China soaring as it president Xi Jinping covets the island. Taiwan has officially confirmed the presence of US troops … Read More

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