Israel’s Ambassador Turns to the Bible

posted in: Israel, News

In what can only be considered an historical speech before the world’s governing authorities, Israel’s ambassador to the UN gave a surprising defense for the right of the Jewish people to the whole Land of Israel-the Bible. The unparalleled presentation … Read More

Former ICE chief suggests Democrats are to blame for migrant children dying

Former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency chief Tom Homan struck at out Democrats over their “open border attitude” on Monday, blaming Democratic lawmakers for the recent deaths of migrant children held under federal custody. In an interview with Fox … Read More

Angela Merkel TURNS her back on EU: German leader REJECTS Brussels top job

ANGELA Merkel yesterday denied that she is in the hunt for a top European Union job after her term as German chancellor ends. Ms Merkel fuelled speculation that she is vying to replace Jean-Claude Juncker or Donald Tusk after claiming … Read More

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