Why Should YOU Repent?
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For centuries, evangelists have shouted “REPENT!”From John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and the early apostles;from Luther to Billy Sunday –the cry has been REPENT! But repent of what? How? What does it mean to repent? Why should you be concerned about repenting? Does it make any difference if you don’t? “I’m going to ask you … Read More

WHY The Church?
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Churches are everywhere. One cannot drive through many neighborhoods without seeing the familiar shape of a church building on a street corner. Churches are as familiar as shopping centers, fire stations, homes, and parking meters – a part of society. … Read More

Why You Were Born
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Can You Be Born into the Spirit World? What you are about to read will shock you, for it will challenge age-old concepts about the very purpose of human life. What are you, after all? Are you—the deeply private, thinking, feeling, hoping, … Read More

Coming Soon-An Invasion from Space!
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Believe it or not, this planet will be the scene of a MASSIVE INVASION FROM OUTER SPACE, probably within YOUR LIFETIME! The invasion will be preceded by the greatest wars in all history; by massive earthquakes wherein MILLIONS will be … Read More

The Church and the New World Order
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Millions believe a sinister “new world order” is about to begin. Many believe there is a vast conspiracy involving the United Nations; that foreign troops are already in place inside the United States; that a takeover of our country is … Read More

Christmas… The Untold Story
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Why is Christmas not mentioned in the Bible? What connection does “Santa Claus” have with Christ? What is the real meaning of mistletoe, the holly wreath, and orbs on trees? Was Jesus really born on December 25th? Christmas, no matter … Read More

Believe It or Not-The Resurrection Was NOT on Sunday!
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Hundreds of millions gather each “Easter” on mountain tops, in huge outdoor stadiums, and in churches all over the Christian professing world to observe a sunrise service. All suppose they are observing the moment of Christ’s resurrection. But the resurrection … Read More

Are Christians “Under the Law”?
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“Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us FREE,” shouted the evangelist to the “amens” of the audience. One of the last things any Christian would want to believe is that he is “under the Law.” Surely any Christian person … Read More

ANSWER to Unanswered Prayer
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CHAPTER ONE “O God, where are You when I need You?” Each day, millions pray. In China, Japan, Southeast Asia, prayers are recited in Buddhist temples, Shintoist pagodas; prayer wheels turn in dozens of Nepalese streams. In Europe, Central and … Read More

The BIBLE, Fact or Fiction?
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Is the Bible REALLY the Word of a Supreme Being? Or, as the skeptics and evolutionists say, is it a collection of Hebrew myths, distorted history, poetry and glaring contradictions? Is there any real PROOF that the Bible is the … Read More

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