Iran’s economy hit harder than expected after US quits nuke deal: Israeli intel

posted in: Middle East, News

An effigy of the U.S. President Donald Trump is set on fire during an annual anti-Israeli Al-Quds, Jerusalem, Day rally in Tehran, Iran, Friday, June 8, 2018. AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi The pressure on Iran’s economy since US President Trump withdrew … Read More

Here’s how global financial markets may react if the North Korea summit is a success … or failure

–If President Trump and Kim Jong Un come closer to an agreement, Chinese stocks are particularly poised to benefit, according to CNBC analysis using Kensho, a quantitative analytics tool used by hedge funds. –When worries about North Korea’s nuclear threat … Read More

How Japan Might Lose Out in the Korea Talks

President Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan at the White House on June 7. Japan could be left vulnerable depending on the substance of Mr. Trump’s meeting with North Korea about denuclearization.CreditAndrew Harnik/Associated Press TOKYO — Even if … Read More

Trump calls for probe into claims Obama administration tried to give Iran access to US banks

President Trump on Thursday called for an investigation into allegations that the Obama administration tried to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions. “The Obama Administration is now accused of trying to give Iran secret access … Read More

Merkel Calls for EU to Lead the World As It Is “Reorganized”

posted in: Germany, News

During Wednesday’s meeting of the European People’s Party (EPP) in Munich, German Chancellor Angela Merkel took the opportunity to take a cheap shot at President Trump while calling for the European Union (EU) to rise up and lead the world. … Read More

Trump says Russia should be reinstated in group of leading industrialized nations

Quebec City (CNN)President Donald Trump said Friday that Russia should be reinstated to a leading group of industrialized nations ahead of his visit to the G7 summit this weekend. Trump’s statement is an extraordinary break from key US allies, and … Read More

Trump Meets With Japanese Prime Minister Ahead Of North Korea Summit

President Trump shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a joint press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House on Thursday.   Nicholas Kamm / AFP/Getty Images At an Oval Office photo op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe … Read More

Trump, Kim Jong Un summit in Singapore expected to tackle denuclearization, economy

The historic summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is back on. “We’ll be meeting on June 12 in Singapore,” the president confirmed to reporters after hosting an hour-long meeting with a top North Korean official in the … Read More

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